Showing posts with label Exercise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Exercise. Show all posts

Motivation to exercise outside on a winters night

The following is to remind me to keep motivated to leave the house and play football.

It is sometimes difficult enough to find motivation to exercise. On a cold Monday in January it is even more difficult. I haven't played football since before Christmas. At least six weeks have passed since I had a decent game. Even though the Monday evening football is a real highlight of my week. My brain starts demotivating me around lunchtime. I think if I hadn't committed (by replying to the "are you playing text") I would often bail out.

Why does my brain do this, when I love Monday footy once I'm there? Here are a few thoughts and counterpoints that jump to mind:

- Its cold outside. It really isn't, this has been such a mild winter. Besides I run hot when exercising. I'm soon in shorts and T-shirts.

- It will rain. Sometimes yes it does, but it always looks worse from the window of a house or car. The rain can be a bit of fun with the right outlook.

- I'll just chill and watch TV. Is that even a real reason? My brain does try and present this as the better option.

- I didn't play last week so I'll be out of shape. Yes and if I don't play this week, I'll be even more out of shape.

- I'll exercise later in the week Maybe I will, but no time like now.

There are a lot of other reasons that my inner self gives to bail out. All of them seem so valid at the time. I really need to remember the follow reasons why I should ignore my brain:

1. Being outside is fantastic. I spend so much of my life inside a house, office, train, or car that if forget just how much I love being outside. Even on a cold, windy and damp floodlit pitch being outside is glorious. Just breathe it all in.

2. Team sports make me smile. I enjoy exercising on my own, but a team sport is so much fun. Winning together is great, but even losing as a team you feel a sense of pride that you have tried your best.

3. I haven't ever regretted going. I've only ever regretted not going.

4. The happy chemicals kick in. Whatever they are; endorphins, adrenaline, or something else. I'll have a shot of them please. It feels great.

5. I know about it the next day.  When one gets to my age, one feels the slight pain of a good workout for at least a day. It's a gentle reminder, that it was worth it (I think!).

So there we have it. Enough amazing reasons to get out into the dark cold winter night. No good reason not to. Next Monday, I'll take a look back here and won't even question my decision. I hope.


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