War Stories and strategic Vision

  • EMEA marketing. Data servers, culture of buying, GDPR, regulation, payment methods
  • Hiring cam be hard, tales time and energy. 
  • Covid and the shift to digital 
  • Shift from FOMO to FOMU

This is based on a small team of 1 or 2 people, leaning into coporate resources and local agencies. The focus is on Demand Generation working in partnersghip with Sales. BTW the following isn't just a chatgpt list, it's based on on the job experience. It's deliberatley a deliberatley lean list to 

Understand the corporate (and regional) vision. 
  • ARR projections
  • Net retention projections
  • Markets / ICP
  • Corporate GTM (USP, Positioning, etc)
Analysis the current EMEA situation: 
  • SWOT Analysis (including regional issues)
  • Analyse the marketable database of ICP / Persona
  • Lead / Pipeline metrics.
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Content Audit
Planning (EMEA GTM)
  • Strategies for growth (quadrant)
  • Budget / Expected Results (based on historical)
  • Resource planning (internal / external)
  • Tweaked messaging / campaigns for region
  • Set OKRs
Execution (leaning into corporate campaigns and resources).
  • Quarterly marketing plan. Considering country variance: 
    • The Four C's of Marketing (something I've coined)
      • Contacts (build out marketable database)
      • Campaigns (messaging and CTAs)
      • Content (created or re-purposed)
      • Channels (Digital, events etc)
  • ABM Strategy for high-value accounts
  • Programmatic strategy for tier 2 accounts
  • Sales Enablement
Quarterly Business Review
  • Track four OKRs
    1. Demand Generation (Pipeline SQLs)
    2. ICP engagement (Brand Awareness - leads)
    3. Sales Enablement (SQL to Win Conversion Rates)
    4. Customer Advocacy (Case Studies)
  • Adjust plans for next quarter
Ongoing procesess
  • Test, measure and learn
  • Playbooks to document operational efficiencies

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Hello fellow marketers. AI is great. But please stop copying and pasting the word elevate. ChatGPT by its own admission loves the word eleva...