What 3 Things

What 3 Things - WTT
As an information worker I live a world of distractions. I wrote about this five years ago (https://lnkd.in/eyw5crPJ) and if anything distractions have become more frequent, and more distracting since 2019.

But, I've been doing this exercise for a while now - I state in the morning the three things I want to get done that day - what three things.

Three things don't sound much. But if these are three major things that are going to really move the needle and you've identified them as such, if you get to the end of the day and you haven't achieved those three things, you've missed a trick,

About a year ago I even thought this could be a website or service. Sharing with someone, or a community that can hold you accountable. Or at least check in on you and then it keeps you hyper-focused during the day to actually get sh!t done. I even created a whatsapp group.

No chat - just what 3 things.

If you think about it, if you ticked off three major important things every day and you achieved them all, that would soon mount up to a hell of a lot of productivity. Doesn't even need to be for business, could be, health, learning, travel, family, finance goals.

Sure, you can do more than three things, but the whole point of this exercise is to hold the course.

The other idea of this service was that you could have people doing entirely different projects or professional careers and would it be fascinating to see how different people are motivated and encouraged get stuff done. You could have the CEO of a Fortune 500 company buddying up with a street food vendor and both learning from each other how to stay motivated. Comparing notes on how to achieve exactly what they need to on a day-to-day basis.

Would love to know what you rekon? What 3 things did you get done today? How do you avoid distractions. Avoid LinedkIn posts like this haha!

Posted on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/markpbishop_what-3-things-wtt-as-an-information-worker-activity-7185961113979691008-L-ZI?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

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