When you photograph people in Black and white, you photograph their souls

”When you photograph people in colour, you photograph their clothes. But when you photograph people in Black and white, you photograph their souls”

This is why black and white is so powerful. I’ve been experimenting with black & white and more street photography. Specifically, I want to use B&W to improve my photography skills in these areas:
  • Identifying the subject
  • Telling a story
  • Portraying emotion
  • Removing distractions
  • Revealing textures
  • Capturing the “human condition”
  • Understanding light
  • Identifying contrast
  • Playing with abstract
There is something about shooting in black and white that strips a photograph to its essentials: Light and composition. I think practising this will go a long way to improving my overall photography.

Jetlag is shit

Jet lag is not fun.

Here are a few tips on how to get over It quickly:

- Don't watch 5 films on a red eye flight
- Avoid using your phone at 2.30am.
- Don't check what time it is in the previous
  time zone.
- Counting sheep doesn't work.
- Don't cook up ideas on how to use notes as a
  blogging platform.
- Don't tweet.

Follow these tips and you will be just fine.


A Common Cold

Fortunately being ill is rare for me. But this week I've been suffering from a cold. Nothing too serious, but it has wiped me out for a few days. It does make you realise how a very minor illness can change your mood. It must be absolutely awful to go through any form of serious illness.

This lead to a couple of notes to self:

1. When feeling good, be mindful of this and enjoy the moment.
2. Don't take feeling normal for granted.
3. Be compassionate to others that are not feeling 100%

I'm bouncing back and can feel my strength returning every hour. Look after yourself.

Nested Cloud Storage

I have used free cloud based file sync services for years.  These services offer various levels of free storage depending on provider: Dropbox 5GB, Box 10GB, Onedrive 25GB and so on. For a number of reasons Dropbox is my favourite. But I have used different providers for subsets of my data that I need in the cloud. This has always had the drawback of not having a complete set of my cloud data in any single app.

So today I decided to nest my cloud drives. This is done by simply relocating the synced folders for each provider. My set-up is as follows:

Google Drive (30GB)
...>Onedrive (15GB)
    ...>Dropbox (5GB)

There are few advantages to this approach:

1. It is easy to navigate through all files.There aren't separate cloud folders scattered in the installer's default location.
2. Multiple cloud providers for backup. Using nested folders all subfolders are backed up to the next level up. Dropbox is backed up to both Onedrive and Google Drive.
3. The top level sync contains all files. I know where my cloud files are. I'm organised. But if I wasn't organised, I'd know that all my cloud files are in Google Drive, because of the nested folders.
4. Saving a file to dropbox makes it available to all services. This makes dropbox a good "inbox" for making files available for all services.

I'm not the first to do this, but this new trick (for me) is working pretty well so far.

Motivation to exercise outside on a winters night

The following is to remind me to keep motivated to leave the house and play football.

It is sometimes difficult enough to find motivation to exercise. On a cold Monday in January it is even more difficult. I haven't played football since before Christmas. At least six weeks have passed since I had a decent game. Even though the Monday evening football is a real highlight of my week. My brain starts demotivating me around lunchtime. I think if I hadn't committed (by replying to the "are you playing text") I would often bail out.

Why does my brain do this, when I love Monday footy once I'm there? Here are a few thoughts and counterpoints that jump to mind:

- Its cold outside. It really isn't, this has been such a mild winter. Besides I run hot when exercising. I'm soon in shorts and T-shirts.

- It will rain. Sometimes yes it does, but it always looks worse from the window of a house or car. The rain can be a bit of fun with the right outlook.

- I'll just chill and watch TV. Is that even a real reason? My brain does try and present this as the better option.

- I didn't play last week so I'll be out of shape. Yes and if I don't play this week, I'll be even more out of shape.

- I'll exercise later in the week Maybe I will, but no time like now.

There are a lot of other reasons that my inner self gives to bail out. All of them seem so valid at the time. I really need to remember the follow reasons why I should ignore my brain:

1. Being outside is fantastic. I spend so much of my life inside a house, office, train, or car that if forget just how much I love being outside. Even on a cold, windy and damp floodlit pitch being outside is glorious. Just breathe it all in.

2. Team sports make me smile. I enjoy exercising on my own, but a team sport is so much fun. Winning together is great, but even losing as a team you feel a sense of pride that you have tried your best.

3. I haven't ever regretted going. I've only ever regretted not going.

4. The happy chemicals kick in. Whatever they are; endorphins, adrenaline, or something else. I'll have a shot of them please. It feels great.

5. I know about it the next day.  When one gets to my age, one feels the slight pain of a good workout for at least a day. It's a gentle reminder, that it was worth it (I think!).

So there we have it. Enough amazing reasons to get out into the dark cold winter night. No good reason not to. Next Monday, I'll take a look back here and won't even question my decision. I hope.

Having a play with BBS

I recently discovered  [textfiles.com](http://textfiles.com). This site is was new to me, and the technology of BBS passed me by. Apparently it was a tool of the 1980s, that through dial up let people communicate and post files. Textiles.com hosts some of these old classic forgotten text files. Some of them are pretty amusing. It's a glimpse back into a different time of computing.

As I'm curious, I wondered if this technology is still running?

Apparently, yes it is. A quick google search brings up a few old websites with information.

Getting access:

I followed these steps to get access. It wasn't difficult:

1. Install Virtualbox for Mac (already had this)
2. Install Windows XP in Virtualbox
3. XP already has Telnet installed, just click on the link from this server list and you are away. It fires up a command window and connects to the BBD

The experience was pretty awful if I'm honest. Although this really should be expected from technology that is 30 years old. It felt a bit like teletext but slightly faster, and more confusing.  Here is how the experience went:

1. Clicked on link and the command box popped up.
2. A connection established and some ASCII art header popped up.
3. Promoted with a message of new or exiting user.
4. New user, so had to go through an interrogation into name, location, password etc.
5. Finally in.
6. No clue how to access anything.
7. Randomly hitting ESC and other keys finding a few messages and logs.
8. Quitting without really actually getting anywhere.

I'm sure the experience was pretty decent back in the 80s. It hasn't aged well. As an experiment it was interesting, but I can't see a BBS revival anytime soon.

A few simple goals for 2016

There are no real surprises here. Generally standard goals that anyone could have.

These goals are very top level for the year.

* Walk and cycle more
* Be less wasteful
* Photograph more
* Sleep better
* Read more / write more
* Improve diet

These goals are a little flaky

* Unclutter more stuff. Both physical and digital
* Become me more minimal
* Take a few risks
* Be more confident
* Be more creative

Have a fantastic 2016


Hello fellow marketers. AI is great. But please stop copying and pasting the word elevate. ChatGPT by its own admission loves the word eleva...